

Documentation Essentials

It’s time to stop worrying about whether you're documenting your client notes correctly, hitting all of the assessment points and creating case plans that actually work.

It’s time to stop worrying about whether you're documenting your client notes correctly, hitting all of the assessment points and creating case plans that actually work.

Never question whether you're ticking all the boxes of writing your session notes and keeping your files current.

Learn the secrets to mastering the administrative parts of private practice you love to hate:

writing up session notes, assessments and case plans. Not to mention how to document the other stuff: emails, requests for info, referrals, etc.

Stop procrastinating and worrying about your client files.

It's time to free up time and headspace to continually develop confidence as you treat the clients you love to work with.

Feeling insecure about writing your notes doesn't have to be a part of private practice anymore.

I'm Alison and I am a recovering session note procrastinator.

I’m Alison Maratos, a lifer social worker and a psychotherapist who has:

struggled with imposter syndrome (in fact has been paralyzed by it)

wrestled with finding the most efficient way to finally stay on top of my notes

been lonely in private practice because it seemed too scary to reach out to peers for help as they seemed to have it all together.

I finally sat down and figured out what I needed to feel good about my notes: templates, hacks for all of those repetitive parts and ways to beat procrastination and overwhelm. So now I am going to share this with you.

I am a clincal supervisor to my peers. Time and again I hear the same story when I ask how the administrative side of practice is going: supervisees consistently feel insecure about how and when to document, they worry about keeping up and they know they were writing too much, but don't want to err on the side of not writing enough in their notes.

Here's what will happen when you use my

Documentation Products

  • You will catch up on your notes. You’ll learn hacks that will help you tackle the pile of unfinished notes once and for all. You will learn how to work through the overwhelm and just get this shit done!
  • You will increase confidence. You will realize that you really do know what to do to write good session notes, assessments and case plans that don't steal hours of your life you;ll never get back.
  • You will finally feel efficient. You will be one of those people who has established documentation habits and can end each week knowing shit has been taken care of so you can relax.

Here's what will happen when you use my

Documentation Products

  • You will catch up on your notes. You’ll learn hacks that will help you tackle the pile of unfinished notes once and for all. You will learn how to work through the overwhelm and just get this shit done!
  • You will increase confidence. You will realize that you really do know what to do to write good session notes, assessments and case plans that don't steal hours of your life you;ll never get back.
  • You will finally feel efficient. You will be one of those people who has established documentation habits and can end each week knowing shit has been taken care of so you can relax.

I know you because I was you.

You became a therapist in private practice because you love the work you do with your clients. What you hate is the documentation and administrative stuff.

You are tired of feeling unsure as to what you should document and how to do it well.

You are tired of feeling like you get further and further behind in your notes because of it.

You want to finally figure out how to save time, lose the overwhelm and confidently check the documentation box on your to-do list every single day.

You love working with your clients, but when it comes time to write your session notes, you procrastinate and eventually fall so far behind, it seems like an impossible mountain to climb.

You didn’t learn how to write good notes in grad school.

You are confident in your clinical skills, that’s for sure, but your documentation…not so much.

You are tired of losing sleep over the unfinished notes.

The stress and anxiety that comes from wondering if tomorrow will be the day that somebody discovers how far behind you really are or you have missed key parts is overwhelming.


When you use Documentation Product you will:

  • Learn hacks, tricks and techniques to streamline your note writing process to stop feeling overwhelmed by the list of unfinished notes.
  • Confidently face your days knowing that what you are writing in your files is professional and will stand up to ethical guidelines.
  • Sleep well knowing that you have documented the important stuff, and not the fluff, so that you can stand behind your notes when you need to.
  • Shut down that voice in your head that says: “what am I missing?”, “is there another way to look at this?” and “how can I make sure I am writing the right stuff down.”
  • Feel confident about sharing your notes in Court.

Once you learn how to document your therapist work you'll:

Have a note taking system backed up by skills so you never fall behind in your session notes again.

End the second guessing about how much to write by cutting down on the "fluff" and keeping it to the facts.

Learn what needs to go into your notes and what doesn't so you stop questioning yourself and actually get it done every time.

Get hacks, systems and templates in your back pocket that save you precious time and energy when doing your notes.

Practice-Improving Outcomes:

You’ll finally de-stress since you'll know what to include in your notes and files because you'll be sure you aren’t missing any of the important stuff.

You will get your life back! Add hours to your week by creating processes and using hacks that will help you get the shit done that you usually agonize over.

When you're good at writing, it shows. Your clients will benefit from you feeling less stressed because you're confidently caught up on your notes.

Here's what others are saying about working with Alison.

“[I liked the] Clear practical advice that was realistic and presented in a concise and easy digestible manner.”

“Alison is knowledgeable and has a great teaching style.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed learning from someone who has years of experience in private practice and also Alison's transparency and honesty.”

Participants in the Ontario Association of Social Workers Documentation 101 Workshop, October 2022.

Here’s what you'll get:

A narrated workshop that outlines the what and the how for all things documentation.

Done-for-you cut and paste hacks to use in your notes instead of guessing at what to write.

A template that eliminates guesswork so you can start writing great casenotes today!

Documentation Essentials

Get the information, the tools and hacks that will change your documentation game forever!

© The Practice Companion 2024

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